Desmond Doss

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Desmond Doss Legacy Packs Hudson Society

Dr. Charles Knapp, Special Consultant for Hacksaw Ridge, highlights the impact and legacy of Desmond Doss.

Special Consultant Shares at Hudson Historical Society Event

Although the venue was filled to capacity, people lined up at the Hudson Library & Historical Society event to hear Dr. Charles Knapp on October 16, 2017 in Hudson, Ohio. He enlightened a packed house of approximately 180 people about the legacy of Desmond Doss, the hero of the highly acclaimed movie Hacksaw Ridge.

Knapp captivated the audience as well as educated them, and most importantly, honored his friend by spreading the word of Mr. Doss' legacy. Attendees, some who had seen the movie and some who had not, appreciated hearing the history of this American hero from one who had known him and had seen the development of the movie as well as the commitment Desmond Doss had for future generations in his later years.

"Dr. Knapp connected with the audience on a personal level and his expertise and background in the military and as a medical doctor gave a unique perspective," reported attendees Doug and Renell Hardtmayer. "After hearing about his busy schedule both before and the Hacksaw Ridge debut, just as Desmond had heavenly help, so must Dr. Charles Knapp – to continue this mission for the living."

"We have had many library programs," Gwendolyn Mayer, Archivist at Hudson Library & Historical Society, pointed out, "and Dr. Knapp was certainly one of the better ones. All of the attendees were rapt with attention for the entire evening."

Kathy Jones, Adult Services Librarian and event coordinator, noted, "As a friend of Doss' and an advisor for the movie, Dr. Knapp had unique insights to share about the man, the movie, and the impact the story has had throughout the country and the world. He is an excellent speaker and took the time to thoroughly answer the many questions thrown his way." Jones added, "I would highly recommend Dr. Knapp."